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Duane Ehrlich
生于 Kansas
67 years
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Doug Ehrlich

Of the millions of memories I have of my GREAT dad, I'd have to say none of them were my favorite because they were all very special and equally the same!!! But I will never forget either having him and mom over for bisquits and gravy in the morning or his favorite "Best steak he ever had" in the evening!! His answer when I would  invite them over would be "Sure that sounds Yummy, but let me check with your mom!" The answer as I can recall was NEVER no after he would "Ask" mom!!!Another was at Thanksgiving. Every year after he'd smack on some of mom's great turkey he'd say "Karen, I think that's the best turkey you've ever made!!" We'd pig out and then 9 times outta 10 he'd go lay back in his recliner and take a nap!!!!Rest In Peace Dad!! We will never forget! I lova ya Joe.............................Joe Jr.

Lisa Schultheis
Duane looked so big to me when I was little...everyone always reminds me that I told him "you give me the shivers (pronounced shi-vahs) :)."  We have a picture of him all cuddled up  with my teddy bear and blanket.  I think it was taken at one the Ehlich Christmas get-togethers.  As big as he was, he truly was a giant teddy bear--with a heart of gold. 
Rod Ehrlich

For Dad's 50th birthday, Mom rented a bus and loaded it with tons of people.  We all met at the church and loaded up.  When we turned the corner, Dad couldn't see us in the bus, but we could see him - In his shorts and black socks, getting the lawnmower out of the garage.  He really looked at the big bus and finally got who we were when we sung "Happy Birthday to You, Duane!"    The look on his face was priceless.  

Dan Hays

One of my many memories was the great times I had playing golf with

Duane . We had many good games and got to share our personal thoughts with each other. That meant a lot to me. What a great brother in law.

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